Presentation of VIALOG
the B:bot at the Elysée
New digital terminal made in Normandy
This intelligent machine recycles your bottles
Congratulations to Christophe Vergneault
Vialog celebrates its 10th anniversary !
Delegation from Penly power plant to Audis
Article "Paris-Normandie" of 23rd march 2019
Sanddec has just obtained iso 9001-2015 certification
The fear of a "NO DEAL": article published in Le Monde on 8th feb 2019
2019, a taste for novelty with Audis
Brexit: a note from Euro Channel Logistics
Normans grouped at SITL
Eurochannel “pushes the walls” or makes room
Vialog at SITL 2018
Canibal, an innovative machine built in Dieppe
Canibal: machines manufactured by Vialog
Bruno Béliard d'ECL, milite pour la ligne Transmanche